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The In Demand Hairstylist Podcast

Nov 30, 2020

This is part 2 of Episode 40 where we cover 2 simple shifts to boost your income behind the chair.  In this episode we review those two shifts and discuss the HOW to implement these shifts behind the chair in the salon with nothing more than a commitment to consistency. 

Lets Connect: 

Nov 23, 2020

In this episode we discuss 2 simple shifts that can greatly increase your income.  I share real numbers from real stylists and how we were able to find opportunity to add anywhere from $300 to $1000 extra a month to their income.  Sound amazing?!  Tune and take notes.  Plug in your own numbers to se what your potential...

Nov 9, 2020

This is packed episode covering...

  1. How to handle "naysayers".
  2. Navigating the struggles that come along with building a career  during recession and economic difficulty. 
  3. How to avoid the trap of mediocrity. 
  4. How to bring more fun into our career
  5. How to look at challenges differently.
  6. How failure breeds...