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The In Demand Hairstylist Podcast

Sep 16, 2019

Creating demand for yourself as a hairstylist can be difficult.  What are the most successful hairstylists doing?  How did they get so busy? How are they charging so much for their services?  And what practices do they have both behind the chair and in their life that set them apart?

Learn the secrets to creating demand for yourself and your services as we discuss the 5 foundational pillars of success.  In this episode we will explain each pillar so you can start laying the foundation for both instant impact and practices that you will implement over time.  

As with anything...implementation and consistency will be the keys to seeing massive shifts both in your life and in your career.  I'm excited you've joined me for this journey and i look forward to continuing to share useful information for inspiration and instant impact in your life.


** Book Recommendation: Leave Your Mark - Jay Williams