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The In Demand Hairstylist Podcast

Aug 26, 2019

Are you striving to be a top stylist?  Are you working hard to make more money behind the chair?  Are you struggling to have a consistently full book?  Then this episode is for you!

Join me as we get really real about what's happening behind your chair.  It's time to UPGRADE our conversations...and in this episode I'll share 5 WAYS to immediately earn major 'cred' as a hairstylist and to create an awesome flow of referrals coming in to sit in YOUR chair!

Take these 5 conversation tips and implement them behind the chair this week.  Notice how little you've actually been sharing your expertise with your guests and reignite how you can give value to build a solid base of raving fans.  


Would you like more tips & inspiration?  Follow me on Instagram @kristencontempo 


Check out my website 


As always if you love this episode, please rate and review!  Thank you all so very much <3